Camel Racing in Mongolia… The Largest Ever

Camel Racing in Mongolia... The Largest Ever

The camel race in Mongolia has been classified as the largest camel race in the world by the Guinness World Records. This event has attracted more than 1,108 participants from various parts of Mongolia. The race features a long track of up to 15 kilometers, where participants compete in an atmosphere filled with challenge and excitement. According to Guinness, the winning camels completed the race in 35 minutes and 12 seconds in the windy steppe region.

One of the conditions for participating in the race was that the camels had to be two-humped Bactrian camels of pure Mongolian descent and not less than four years old.

To witness this spectacular race, many families undertook a challenging journey of approximately seven hours from the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia’s desert is one of the largest deserts in the world for camel racing. This race also provides an opportunity for participants to showcase their skills and the strength of their camels, and it is part of the country’s plan to promote tourism and encourage traditional sports.