Siraj Al Qurashi

Siraj Al Qurashi

Saraj Al-Qurashi is a prominent Saudi figure in the specialized field of camel research. He is the owner of one of the largest camel farms in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qurashi has had a distinguished career, with his deep expertise and knowledge in camel breeding leading to his winning of the King Abdulaziz Camel Award. His research has contributed significantly to the development of the camel breeding sector in the Kingdom, and he has actively participated in related conferences and seminars, leaving his mark on the research papers he has published.

In the educational context, Al-Qurashi received his higher education in the United Kingdom. He earned both a master’s and a doctorate in business management from Cardiff Business School. Upon returning to Jeddah, Al-Qurashi’s name became associated with excellence in the field of camels, continuing his research and practical career with distinction.