Omani Camel Racing Federation

Omani Camel Racing Federation

The Omani Camel Racing Federation is an institution that was officially established in early September 2005. The federation aims to promote the art of camel racing and solidify it as an integral part of the authentic Arabian heritage. The federation works to serve a wide segment of citizens who engage in this sport, seeking to achieve personal benefits for them and all those involved in camel breeding.

Among the prominent activities of the federation is the organization of various camel racing events in all the governorates of the Sultanate. It offers annual programs covering various competitions such as “Al-Rays” (camel racing), camel beauty contests, and camel racing on tracks. The federation also focuses on creating regulatory rules for camel racing, specifying participation conditions, and outlining penalties for violators.

The federation’s goal extends to developing the system for camel racing, with an emphasis on the importance of uniform procedures across all governorates and regions. The federation also implements an electronic camel registration program to record and number the camels participating in the races.

The federation is responsible for supervising the major camel racing tracks in the Sultanate and maintaining them. Through ongoing coordination with relevant authorities, the federation aims to facilitate the passage of camel racing equipment and accessories through border checkpoints and collaborate on issues related to camel herders and the establishment of camel pens in various governorates.