I cursed them but they came back with my money

I cursed them but they came back with my money

“awsaetuhum sbbaan wa’uwduu bial iibil” is a saying used to describe someone who makes threats or insults but fails to harm their opponents. This saying is attributed to Ka’b ibn Zuhair ibn Abi Salma, who said it to his father Zuhair. It originates from an incident where Harith ibn Warqa, a rival, had raided Zuhair’s camels, taking them and their herders. Zuhair responded by taunting and threatening him. When Zuhair and his people insulted Harith excessively, Ka’b, his son, told him, “You threatened them with your insults, but they got away with the camels.” In other words, the insults and threats had no effect, and Harith had successfully taken the camels, causing harm.